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חזרה לעמוד הקודם

Digital Technologies and the Online Senior Citizen

An interview with Nava Gilad, Manager of the Digital Citizenship Task Group at the Israel Internet Association, discussing challenges and goals in digital education for the “digital periphery,” in particular senior citizens.

In this interview for the Israeli Ministry of Education, ISOC-IL’s Nava Gilad delves into the various aspects of “Digital Citizenship” in the virtual space, and discusses the importance of narrowing the digital gap for those who experience difficulty navigating this new dimension. She shares that one of the first goals ISOC-IL established for itself in its early years was to narrow the digital gap for those in the “digital periphery,” ever since involving itself in making the internet accessible to people with disabilities, the Arab sector and other groups that for cultural, economic or social reasons were not exposed to the technological world.

Building digital curricula must address the role perceptions play in the adoption of new technologies and modes of communication, and the importance of awareness toward both the internet’s opportunities and dangers. The interview details some of the practical educational steps ISOC-IL has taken to date in the realm of senior citizen digital education.

Read the full interview here: Digital Citizenship: An Interview with Nava Gilad

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